How relevant is social media marketing for your business?

One of the most common tasks people try to complete is social media marketing. Many professionals use this as an effective way to increase business revenue or discover new customers. It is essential to understand the risks and rewards of social media marketing so that you can make educated decisions about how it can work…

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How to create an effective content strategy

Creating an effective content strategy involves more than just selecting suitable topics. Your strategy should never be based on what you already know but on your audience’s needs. To make an effective content strategy, you need to research your audience’s interests, decide which types of content they will find valuable, and identify the best formats…

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Important SEO KPI’s you should be tracking

As a business person or content creator, you need to keep track of performance data that measure how you are doing—specifically, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in your SEO strategy. Here are eight essential metrics to track to know what’s going on with your SEO efforts: Number of Referring Sites The number of websites connecting…

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Common SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Site speed Site speed is one of the most common SEO mistakes that brands make. Most brands forget that faster is better, and the quicker your site is, the more Google will favour it. Remember, you need all the favours from Google to get a high ranking. Your site or page should load in less…

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Creating a Hybrid Social Media Strategy

What is paid reach? Paid reach is the total number of people who see a paid social media post in their news feed. It helps brands purchase increased exposure for their social media updates and often displays them as ‘sponsored’. Paid reach comes in various forms, including Facebook’s boost post, Instagram’s promote and LinkedIn’s sponsored…

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How Responsive Web Design Can Boost Your SEO

Faster loading speed If there is one thing that annoys many people, it’s a slow page. Users prefer pages that load in less than three seconds, and once they load, the page should be as fast. Page loading speed has been an established and known ranking factor. If your page loading speed is fast, the…

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Rules to Creating an Effective User Experience Design

Involve your users When creating user experience design, involve people in the process. How do you do this? You ask them what they want. Websites are built to be used by your clients and visitors, and naturally, users gravitate to websites they like. Use the information to come up with a practical design. Keep things…

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Why is the Design of Your Website Important for Users?

It sets the first impression The design of your website gives your audience the first impression about your products or services. If your website is not appealing or outdated, your audience will immediately leave your website. As a result, you will miss out on leads. When your page or site is impressive, the opposite will…

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The Top 5 Most Asked Questions About SEO

What does SEO stand for? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the process of healing website rank better on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. When a visitor enters a question on the search engine, the algorithm brings them the most relevant results based on the question. Thus, SEO is the action…

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Types of Interactive Content and How to Use Them

Quizzes and polls Quizzes and polls are one of the many types of interactive content you will find on websites. Most people use them to pass the time as they find out more about themselves. The quizzes and polls are appealing to the reader because they actively engage them and provide results immediately. As long…

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