How To Test Your Page Load Speed

Website speed is very essential when it comes to user experience. If your website is loading slowly, then this can have a great hit on your traffic. Also, nowadays, search engines tend to favour websites with high loading speed.   With this, it is clear that you need a website that loads fast to improve…

Difference between In-House and Agency Content Marketing

There are three (3) major differences between in-house and agency content marketing.  Those differences are time usage, expertise and cost. Each difference will be examined individually although, in the real world, they are completely intertwined aspects of content marketing. Time Usage You are a business owner considering doing content marketing on an in-house basis.  Creation of…

How to Measure Your Web Traffic

Web traffic is an important metric for measuring the performance of your website. It demonstrates the number of people that are visiting the pages of your website on a daily basis. You need your web traffic to be as high as possible as it is a sign that your advertising and marketing efforts are paying…

Using Pre-Designed Templates to UP Your Social Media Game

Social media is an important marketing avenue for both small and large businesses. It offers an ideal space for them to advertise their products to a wider audience. However, the catch is that you need to remain consistent with your social media posts. If you aren’t posting regularly then you will have a hard time…

How to Turn Web Traffic Into Conversions

Web traffic is important for gauging the performance of a website. However, if you are not making conversions then this web traffic, it’s no use to you. The aim of a business website isn’t just simply to expose its products. You want to turn the people visiting the website into buying customers as this helps…

What is Mobile-First Web Design?

Website design is the cornerstone of any website’s success. If you have a good website design, you will find it easier to perform SEO on it and also to garner the attention of the users. This is why website design is given a lot of importance during the website development phase. There are various techniques…

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